How Much Glutathione to Take for Skin Whitening?

How Much Glutathione to Take for Skin Whitening?

The standard dosage of 20-40 mg/kg of body weight should be enough if taken for 3-6 months. Glutathione gives skin a radiant glow, reduces age spots, protects skin from sun and environmental damages, corrects pigmentation, tan & freckles, improving overall skin tone.

How many mg of glutathione should I take for skin whitening?

Well, it depends on many factors. First, glutathione works the best if taken with vitamin C at least equal to or twice its dosage. Second, the durability of intake may vary depending on the skin tone. For example, you will see results on light to medium skin tone after 1-3 months, but darker tones may require three or more months to show visible results. Thrid, body weight plays an important role in determining the optimal dosage. So, the dosage is 20-40 mg/kg of body weight for about 3-6 months. 

Consider getting glutathione whitening pills or tablets for the sake of safety and simplicity. Look for the product with the dosage that suits you. However, keep in mind that the dosage of glutathione for lightning skin may range from 400 grams to 1200 grams. Do not overlook other natural ingredients in the product to minimize the side effects such as cramping, bloating, and allergic reactions like a rash.  

Take the supplement once or twice daily and 2-3 hours after your last meal for better absorption and greater benefits. Promote a healthy whitening process by clearing, evening, and renewing your skin from the inside.

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